Pharmacist Prescriptions

Did you know that Ontario pharmacies have been empowered to assess and prescribe medication for 13 common ailments since January 1st? This significant step was taken to offer more convenient care by potentially eliminating the need for a doctor’s visit.

Here are the ailments for which you can consult your pharmacist directly:

1. Allergic rhinitis
2. Candidal stomatitis (oral thrush)
3. Conjunctivitis (bacterial, allergic, viral)
4. Dermatitis (various types)
5. Dysmenorrhea
6. Gastroesophageal reflux disease
7. Hemorrhoids
8. Herpes labialis (cold sores)
9. Impetigo
10. Insect bites and hives
11. Tick bites and Lyme disease prevention
12. Musculoskeletal issues (sprains/strains)
13. Urinary tract infections

This initiative aims to ease the load on our primary care physicians and emergency rooms, especially during surges in viral illnesses. The service is FREE for patients with a health card.